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Position: General Accountant

  • Background

    Katie worked as a General Accountant at a mid-sized food processing plant for 3.5 years. As the junior professional in her department, she reported to both an Accounting Supervisor and a Plant Controller.

    At night, Katie took advanced accounting courses online to help prepare her for a job opening at the next level.

  • Our Challenge

    Our conversations with Katie revealed two things: She wanted to become a CPA and she had out-grown her current role. Her bosses were “working managers” who kept the challenging duties for themselves and Katie was not getting the management experience she needed to obtain her professional designation.

  • Our Solution

    We helped Katie find a new position in which she now reports directly to the Plant Controller. Some of her accounting responsibilities remain the same. But as the Controller’s right hand, she is now charged with creating the monthly financial packages.

    She also works on year-end statement generation and the tax preparations. Recognizing ambition, her boss is helping her develop the skills needed to advance to a controller role.

  • The Outcome

    For Katie, changing jobs was also a financial windfall. Her last employer hired staff right out of school at low wages, allowing them to learn on the job. Her new employer pays market value for staff and upped her salary by $13,000.00.

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